
KTO Rosomak Build

KTO Rosomak Build

KTO Rosomak Build

Hello, I am back with another build. This time doing a Scratch build for Cooler Master Case Mod World Series 2017. My build is named as “KTO Rosomak"

As the build name suggests. KTO Rosomak is a Polish armored fighting vehicle and I will be building a Gaming PC case like this vehicle with all components installed inside the compact sized interior.

Parts Started to arrive.. It just one month remaining.. so build work at full speed.

First came some wheels..

Actual prototype printouts for measurements..

Hardware started showing up for my build. Thanks to ASUS India and Cooler Master India.

And PSU for the build is

Modding PSU. Reducing cable's length and count

Started working on the build. First making of base frame.

KTO build started taking shape. More update soon..

Some late night update for my Cooler Master Case Mod World Series 2017 build.

CPU Cooling solution arrived.

Working on top turret part and internal hardware installation.

Test hardware installation. Everything fits perfectly.

KTO build process going on with full speed. Hope to meet the deadline.

All hardware and software installation done. KTO is ready to fire.

KTO Rosomak built almost done. Some detailing work is pending.

Finally KTO Rosomak built finished.*

Thanks to ASUS India and Cooler Master India for great support.
