Metal Dragon Build
Hello to all, and welcome to another scratch PC build journey with me.
This time I am planning of sculpting a metal armour dragon head in a scratch PC build.
Will be cutting, shaping small pieces of MDF board using hand files to form basic dragon head and later will be using wood-filler for final shape and last will be hand painting the build.
Since MSI uses dragon in their logo, so I shared my idea with MSI, and they were very happy to support this build.
Also like to update that AMD is now partnering with us in this build.
First I will be making a dragon head, once close enough I will share the idea about how the whole PC will look like … till then enjoy the build process with me
Powered by AMD & MSI
So to start with I took a scaled printout of the dragon head and started measuring and cutting MDF pieces.
Slowly things started transforming from 2D printout to real 3D shapes.
This build will be a little long and slow process and I am only able to work on this in night or weekends. But I am enjoying the process and hope you all will also like it.
Update : 10-Sep-2021 Started working on dragon eyes. Have taken lot of care as eyes are most important feature in a sculpture.
Update : 13-Sep-2021 Saturday late night work resulted in some decent output. Getting little closer day-by day.
Update : 20-Sep-2021 This week, working in late evenings slowly I am able to finish lower jaw of the Dragon head. Next on line is the tongue and the neck.
Update : 04-Oct-2021 Was little busy in life so have not posted any update in last two weeks, but project is slowly under progress.
Mostly finished the Dragon head and applied a primer layer, now one’s primer layer hardens will start sanding following with another primer layer and start colouring.
Update : 11-Oct-2021 Started working on painting of the Dragon head.
Will try to give more finishing and appearance details to the dragon.
Awaiting for the hardware to arrive so that I can start working on the PC section of the build.
Update : 10-Dec-2021 Hello to all. Sorry for little delay, due to some unforeseen circumstances build was little halted. But now everything is on-track.
Also like to update that AMD is now partnering with us in this build with AMD Ryzen 9 3950X processor.
Also started receiving hardware from MSI.
Will be updating more on the PC section of the build.
Update : 20-Dec-2021 This weekend started working on PC section of the build.
Making open frame base from some MDF boards.

Applied some sealant, primer and a base coat.

Also purchased some 12mm and 5mm clear acrylic sheets.

Some test fitting of hardware.

Will be doing some wet sanding of the paint surface, add some more filler and ready for final paint coat.
Update : 22-Dec-2021 Final paint coat on the base frame done. Now started installing hardware.

Update : 27-Dec-2021 Continue installing hardware with working on RGB lighting and finishing base cover plate.

Now working on 12mm back acrylic sheet. Done all the I/O cut-outs, now will be hand engraving brand names.

Update : 24-Feb-2022 After a long time and hardworking this Metal Dragon Build has finally come to its end.
Hope that you all enjoyed this whole build journey with me. Thank you all for your kind response and support.
Also like to thanks AMD and MSI for supporting this build idea.

Following is the list of hardware used in this build -
Thanks and Regards